We know the winter holidays are for kicking back, getting closer to your favorite people, and reflecting on everything that has happened in the last 12 months. And, if you are hunting for a new job, it’s also a seemingly perfect moment to look for an opportunity and give your career the change it needs.
However, is December truly the best month to start sending resumes? We at Scio know all about talent and opportunities, so let continue this month’s celebrations by dispelling some myths that might hinder, instead of advance, your career.
Happy holidays!
Myth 1:
December is the best month to find a job.
This is a common piece of advice, but one that needs to be taken with a few caveats. After all, the winter holidays are some of the busiest days of the year, and the administration and HR departments of every company in the world are going to be overwhelmed by the usual Christmas stress: giving out bonuses, preparing budgets, closing projects with clients, scheduling times off, etc.
Never mind that many people making hiring decisions will be taking vacations, and generally, things get slower as Christmas approaches.
Now, it’s true that a lot of positions may open during these days (see our next point about that…), but it also means that it’s more likely that your application will get lost in the shuffle. So what to do?
So instead…
Take it easy. What December can bring you is enough free time to prepare your resume, customize it to your needs, curate the projects you did all year, and start building a company “hit list” to start looking for that perfect job.
January is the best time to send resumes, because most of the year’s new projects will start, and there’s a lot of things needing to be picked up after the December slump. So hit the ground running by taking the proper time to prepare for these holidays.

Myth 2:
Lots of openings mean lots of opportunities.
The truth:
Yes, but it depends on how you define “opportunity”. As we mentioned, December is a popular month to leave jobs, as the New Year serves as motivation to try new things, and the Christmas bonuses give people enough confidence to leave.
And when that happens, it inevitably means a lot of work will go undone unless HR departments and project managers do something about it, which sometimes involves offering temporary positions just to get things done.
Now, entering into a company, even with a temporary job, is not bad at all: gets your foot in the door, gives them the chance to know you and consider you for a full-time position, or at least can serve you to hone some skills that can be useful elsewhere.
However, if you plan to change careers or try to find a better job, these kinds of openings might not offer you what you are looking for.
So instead…
Study the openings to understand what skills the company needs, as these “emergency” positions will be very clear and to the point about what they want. In software terms, you might find specific methods, frameworks, or languages the company usually employs, and you will have the chance to become familiar with them before applying.
Get an early advantage by the time January starts!

Myth #3:
Finding a job isn’t all about the timing
The truth:
It’s more about persistence. Our earlier points might paint December a “dead” moment to look for a job, but far from it. It’s about building momentum in your applications, honing your resume, practicing interviews, and looking at what you’ve been doing right and wrong.
So instead…
Don’t stop, it will be harder to pick up your pace again in January (when it might count) if you stop during December, and the perfect opportunity might come at any moment, even during Christmas.
Remember, these holidays are ideal to celebrate everything you accomplished, learned, and mastered during the year. Use it to your full advantage, keep aiming higher, and never get discouraged.
Who knows, maybe you are someone that Scio doesn’t know they need yet!