When we hear the word “agile,” the first thing that comes into our mind is the quick ability to respond to change. This skill is crucial, especially if you want to adapt to the evolving world of technology.

This term represents how you are able to think and respond to uncertain situations you will come across.

Agile software development involves practices and frameworks based on certain values and principles in software development. It uses planning, test-driven development, sprints, and pair programming, among others.

Approaching software development in a specific method can help you understand exactly what you need to do in a particular scenario.

It is important to know your duty and responsibilities as an agile software development manager. Hence, we have come up with a list below to help you succeed in your role.

What is the Role of an Agile Software Development Manager?

A lot of companies empower their teams to self-organize with an expectation of committing and delivering their goals on time. While bigger organizations may have different agile teams, they continue to use self-organizing principles to manage the roles of the team members.

Each technique used in agile software development has a clear and defined role that varies. To be able to work effectively as a team, each member needs to know what their role is as well as those of other team members.

Hence, it is important to define the responsibilities of an agile software development manager. Generally, the manager helps the team members excel in their specific roles while making sure that the process is up to standards using agile principles.

Overall, the manager ensures that the team delivers excellent results.

Here are some of the most important duties of an agile software development manager.

1. Project Planning and Management

As a manager, you need to define the scope of the project, create an efficient workflow, and a realistic delivery schedule. At the same time, you are expected to be on top of everything, including leading, organizing, and preparing the progress reports.

Part of the role of a manager is to project plans and make necessary changes if required.

Managers must ensure that the project runs on schedule and everyone is updated in the process. An agile manager should also live and breathe the agile process and principles so that you can tackle the project more effectively.

2. Team Management

One of the most important duties of an agile software development manager is to manage your team properly. By assisting the teams and holding each member accountable, you can efficiently improve the work process.

You should guide and mentor your team properly, especially as they undergo a stressful environment.

Most agile projects require a critical timeline. Therefore, you need to ensure that the project gets completed on time.

As you manage your team properly, make sure you don’t micromanage them. Avoid overstepping and respect their roles. How you treat them can have a huge impact on their work process and output.

3. Risk Management

A good agile development manager should know how to clearly identify risks and come up with an effective risk management plan. By resolving issues, it helps keep the project moving.

Part of this task is to ensure that there are no conflicts within the team members, the budget is on point, and the tasks are achievable.

As a manager, you need to anticipate potential risks in advance so that you can determine the steps of how to avoid them. By creating risk development plans, you prevent your team and company from wasting time, effort, and money.

4. Process Management

A well-defined process creates more structure to the workflow. Make sure you identify and follow the best practices in agile software development.

Divide the project into segments and distribute them among team members so that you can reach your target goals within the given timeline.

Keep the workload balanced so that no member falls behind. In an agile environment, the communication between the team and the product owner is crucial in terms of meeting deadlines.

5. Team Building

Part of managing your team is to empower each member. Make sure that everyone is engaged in the project and is contributing to the goal. You should manage their tasks at an achievable pace without sacrificing the quality of work.

An agile software development manager should act as a mentor to his team. Hence, you should follow the basic steps in management which include coaching, one-on-one meetings, and providing constructive feedback.

At the same time, you need to ensure rapport between the members so that they can work better as a team. A successful manager encourages the team members to bring ideas to the table.


An effective agile software development manager is crucial to any organization. However, the job requires knowledge, research, and hard work. Most organizations require software development and continuously adapt to the automated and digital world.

To be a successful manager, we highly encourage you to fully embrace various responsibilities such as project planning, team management, and risk development. In an agile environment, you need to learn how to adapt and react quickly to any situation that may arise.

If you need additional support in setting up your roadmap, we at Scio can help you find the best solution to achieve your business goals. Talk to us today!