How many software developers do I need to get my project off the ground?

How many software developers do I need to get my project off the ground?

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

When it comes to great software projects, the number of developers involved is incredibly important. Too few developers will lead to an insufficient amount of work being accomplished in a given timeframe, leading to delays or a rushed-feeling product at the end, whereas too many developers can lead to an over-complication of the project and end up costing a lot more than necessary. Therefore, it’s critical to carefully consider how much talent is needed for any project, but finding the ideal number of developers may be challenging for a small IT department that might not have access to all the resources necessary to make it happen.

How many software developers do I need to get my project off the ground?

After all, IT departments that traditionally don’t do software can face a multitude of challenges when attempting to get an ambitious software project off the ground, and a major one is limited resources and personnel. Having not enough people on the team, for example, could result in a long project with a hit in quality due to the limited oversight that this development process can have, and the department size may limit their knowledge base and expertise, presenting a lot of difficulties when finding solutions to the issues that will arise along the way. And let’s not forget that finding adequate funding can be challenging if budgets are strict. Ultimately, a small IT department needs to be smart when dealing with these sorts of circumstances if they wish to be successful with their goals, and having an exact idea of how much talent will be needed to bring it to fruition is key.

Now, we understand that, for a small IT department, estimating the number of outside developers needed to start a project can be a tricky task, so the best first step is for the existing team to evaluate their own skills and capabilities before bringing in any external resources. Finding the right balance between what they can do themselves, and what they need experts to help with. The trick is to anticipate the technical challenges of a project early on, rather than waiting until there’s an issue that can’t be easily solved in-house. Also, it’s a good idea to have someone in the department with experience overseeing development from external parties, which will streamline both communication and collaboration when managing an external development team. The best way to approach Management to get the necessary support is by evaluating the size and complexity of the project, ensuring you understand its scope to come up with a good plan. That way you will have enough resources on board once you bring an external team on board. In the end, having an effective plan in place will give your small IT department greater peace of mind when it comes to resource and talent estimation.

Consider Nearshore

How many software developers do I need to get my project off the ground?

If a small IT department finds itself in a situation where completing a software project is beyond its capability, hiring an external team is a wise decision. Not only will you benefit from having experienced developers specialized in the technology you need, but you’ll also have peace of mind knowing that your project is being handled by experienced professionals in completing tasks quickly, efficiently, and on budget. What’s more, getting outside help gives smaller teams access to world-class development approaches without having to staff up and purchase expensive software licenses themselves. That’s why outsourcing a project is almost always the course of action for many of these departments.

Small IT teams usually don’t have the manpower or financial capacity to tackle a large-scale project on top of their regular duties, and outsourcing can help them focus on what they do best and provides access to expertise that they might not have in-house. In theory, it also saves time; with an outside team just focusing on the job at hand, it usually takes far less time than an internal team managing everything from start to finish. However, there are some things to have in mind when it comes to outsourcing, so smart budgeting and research are always necessary.

Choosing the wrong partner, for example, can put an organization’s reputation and bottom line at risk, as shoddy programming jeopardizes timescales, data security, and overall cost-effectiveness. Additionally, there’s always a risk of communication breakdowns when dealing with an external team far away, due to various cultural or language barriers you usually find when outsourcing. It’s also important to remember that small departments often lack resources to independently evaluate and verify the quality of code being provided by external vendors to safeguard against substandard work or a cybercrime threat of any kind, and without a dedicated team to support any issues, it can be difficult for small-scale businesses to get necessary updates and troubleshoot problems as they come up. With all these in mind, it would be smart for any IT department considering outsourced software development to extensively research their potential partners before signing on the dotted line.

This is why collaborating with a Nearshore team is often the most sensible choice for a small IT department tasked with getting a big project off the ground. After all, if you have to find the right team and resources to handle the project, and ensure that those same resources make sense and adhere to time constraints, this is where nearshore collaboration shines. By bringing together teams from remote geographical locations within reasonable distances who have a mutual agreement in terms of language, political/legal systems, and time zones. Nearshore allows small IT departments to get global access to experienced talent that will fit any strategy you have in mind, which can be a huge boon for small IT departments looking for a quick and cost-efficient way of taking big projects forward.

Nearshore development is quickly becoming the most popular choice for businesses seeking assistance with software development without an internal team”, says Rod Aburto, Service Delivery Manager, and Partner, at Scio. Working with a nearshore partner not only allows businesses to tap into a whole new talent pool of high caliber, who can provide resources not otherwise available, but companies also benefit from working closely with people who bring cultural competency as well as insight into best practices and processes that could potentially streamline and improve their workflow. From faster problem resolution to minimizing communication issues, Nearshore development offers everything you need while saving on costs and providing peace of mind in knowing that tasks are getting done efficiently and effectively.

Getting the numbers right

How many software developers do I need to get my project off the ground?

So now that you have a Nearshore partner that you trust, how many developers do you need to ask for to get the project started? There are a few baselines that are a good idea to follow, but every development cycle is unique, so you’ll need to discuss with your Nearshore partner flexibility options and their insight to be sure how many people will need to participate. According to this blog, it’s a good idea to start with a team of 3 to 4 developers and 3 to 4 IT specialists, divided into the following roles:

  • One full-time Project Manager
  • Two full-time developers 
  • One full-time backend developer 
  • One part-time UX/UI designer 
  • One part-time DevOps specialist 
  • One part-time QA engineer

In the context of Nearshore, “part-time” developers may simply mean people rotating between projects because their input happens at specific moments of the development cycle, so make sure to talk to your team to discuss all the details necessary to ensure you have the talent you need. Also, remember that this estimation is very basic; considering what kind of environments you will be developing for (desktop vs. mobile, Android vs. iOS), as well as your user base (purely internally used vs. a front-facing customer application) can change these numbers dramatically. Nevertheless, with enough staff flexibility, these issues don’t matter: what matters is starting a development journey that can be a turning point for any business harnessing the power of software and technology to make a change for themselves.

In the case of Scio, home to some of the best developers in Mexico and Latin America, the close cultural ties, its Agile philosophy, and the expertise it offers after two decades of collaboration with US-based companies that needed expertise, they could only find here, the Nearshore choice is always the best one. If you want the most seamless experience as the Head of a small IT department, then this is the opportunity for you. It’s time to make a change and begin a partnership that can only lead to success.

The Key Takeaways

  • Implementing new software solutions in business is always a good decision, but for a small IT department, it can present some serious challenges getting it off the ground.
  • If the department has constraints in terms of staff and budgeting, developing their own software can be a non-starter; the expertise and skills necessary might not be there.
  • Having a good plan is key to ensure any project can take off, and one of the main questions is the number of developers necessary to make an idea into reality.
  • Nearshore, for these reasons, might be the best option for an IT department, offering the flexibility necessary to work with all kinds of resources and objectives necessary to reach a positive outcome for everyone involved.
How to overcome any tech challenge and come out as an IT hero for your company

How to overcome any tech challenge and come out as an IT hero for your company

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

Today’s business world is more tech-savvy than ever, and staying ahead of the competition often requires staying ahead of the latest trends in technology. But for smaller IT departments this can be a total challenge, where keeping an open dialogue with the rest of the company and understanding their needs to find the right solutions is the only path to success. Of course, investing in quality tools, so the IT team has access to reliable and current resources, would be ideal, as well as researching new technologies, and networking with experts to explore unusual sources for potential tech advances, but this is not always the case. Often, a small IT department can provide innovative solutions, stay competitive and maintain a robust infrastructure even in an increasingly fast-paced world only by doing a truly heroic effort at getting the job done.

How to overcome any tech challenge and come out as an IT hero for your company

For these reasons, having an external tech partner can greatly relieve the stress caused by tackling complex tasks without enough resources, bringing outside expertise and additional bandwidth to the table to tackle any project efficiently and cost-effectively. With this access to best practices and tools designed specifically for the task at hand, utilizing an outsourcing partner can be one of the strongest leverage points in making sure that small IT teams can do more with less.

However, there’s no denying that maintaining a mid-sized business’s IT department running smoothly can still be tricky. Smaller teams have a more difficult time responding quickly to software and hardware malfunctions, meaning keeping your tech running at an optimal level can be difficult. It can also be hard to adequately protect sensitive data that is stored digitally, as cybersecurity solutions often require more resources than the small IT staff may possess. On top of all this, managing employees’ demands and expectations takes further coordination from the small team members. And that’s without mentioning how keeping up with advancements in technology is also a challenge for smaller teams who might not have the budget for frequent upgrades and replacement parts. For many businesses, having a dedicated IT department is an invaluable asset, but these departments face unique hurdles that should not be overlooked.

With this in mind, it’s fair to say that being in charge of such responsibilities is nothing short of daring for many IT leaders, especially when it comes to times of crisis and rapid change that often require these departments to do a lot with very little. So what are your options if the job is surpassing your resources, and you need to find quality solutions fast? What is the best approach to take?

The Hero Call

How to overcome any tech challenge and come out as an IT hero for your company

There are a few simple steps to have in mind if you need to become the IT hero at your company. Do your research and learn everything you can about the systems currently in use; chances are that by having a thorough knowledge of information systems, industry trends, and technology, you’ll set yourself apart from the rest. Being an ardent learner, able to stay on top of advancements and new technologies while being proficient in problem-solving skills, is also a must because, when used correctly, IT can help companies become more efficient and maximize their output, so taking extra initiative to understand how different aspects of the IT domain fit together is essential. And last, but not least, building relationships with other departments in the organization too (and knowing how various areas work together) can help you better understand how technology can best be applied to meet organizational objectives. 

All of these preparations can make a difference if a tech crisis happens. For a small IT department, dealing with these difficult situations (that can go from sudden malware attacks that cripple operations to unexpected hardware breakdown that leaves machines non-functional, to incorporating a new platform to change the workflow of the company) can be a daunting prospect, so the best thing you can do is approach the situation with focus and thoroughness. Bringing in all involved stakeholders so you can assess both the short-term and long-term impact of the project and develop a plan of action is a good first step. Secondly, find ways to streamline processes by leveraging technology already available in the department as well as ensuring there are reliable backups in place. And always strive to maintain consistent communication so all parties involved are kept up-to-date on the actions being taken. 

Nevertheless, even the best IT departments can sometimes be outclassed by the size of the task, which is why having the perfect Nearshore partner at your side is the best course of action. We have touched on the subject of choosing the perfect tech partner, but in short, when tackling IT problems for small businesses, the key is to face difficult situations with creativity. Successfully taking on a big technology project requires the ability to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions that fan enthusiasm for the project’s objectives. Furthermore, having excellent communication skills will help ensure that this technology project is understood and adopted within an organization. Adopting new technologies can be daunting, so bring patience and composure to the table when introducing a new technology initiative. 

And if you decide to go down the path of bringing a development partner, there are some key items to look for, like 24/7 support, an in-depth understanding of the industry, and enough flexibility to accommodate rapid changes. Businesses should also confirm that they have reliable security protocols and measures in place, and remember that experience always counts — having worked with clients similar in size and offering long-term customer service is invaluable. Choosing the right partner can save hours of headaches and help give the business confidence as it grows into the future, and you will be the key to letting this positive outcome happen.

Always bring your best

How to overcome any tech challenge and come out as an IT hero for your company

As the architects of the digital transformation happening in today’s world, IT departments are essential for the success of practically every business, and they have to exhibit a rare combination of expertise, agility, and cross-company collaboration to reach success by possessing a level of technological understanding and reliability to handle any challenge that comes their way. And working quickly and effectively with the outsourcing provider just ensures the right decisions are made quickly and resources are managed responsibly. As the go-to experts on technology in the company, they would ensure the smooth implementation of initiatives while also maintaining proper protocols for cyber security, playing a vital role in streamlining operations between departments. In other words, a heroic IT department can create an efficient working environment where everyone just “clicks”.

And if you add a tech partner to bring any project to fruition, these teams will be enabled to go above and beyond to solve difficult issues that threaten the success of the company, thanks to the knowledge of how to navigate different systems, stay organized, and harness new technology trends that can improve operations, while maintaining cost efficiency. This sets them apart from all other tech departments as their commitment is to take any issue head-on and provide valuable solutions that benefit their clients. With this type of mentality, mid-sized companies can get the most out of their partnerships by knowing that their IT department is up for any challenge put before them, committed to achieving maximum efficiency, good communication, and proactive attitudes without sacrificing the ability to be agile in responding to an evolving landscape.

The Key Takeaways

  • Nowadays, IT is the underlying linchpin in many businesses, but this job has plenty of challenges that any competent team has to navigate carefully.
  • The best approach for a small IT department that might not have many resources is to have the best development partners and a clear plan to ensure success in any project.
  • The department head of IT has a big responsibility on his or her shoulders, so being smart about how to act is what separates the adequate teams from excellent ones.

CPH Success Story: The Key to a Winning Partnership between Nearshore Companies and their Clients

CPH Success Story: The Key to a Winning Partnership between Nearshore Companies and their Clients

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

True collaboration creates great software. It’s more than a buzzword—it’s an essential part of development, with meaning beyond just sharing information back and forth. The collaboration is about forming strong relationships, providing clear communication pathways, and proactively anticipating problems before they arise, so if you’re partnering with a Nearshore company like Scio, you can have the comfort of knowing that any challenge that might get in the way will have a swift response from everyone involved if this approach is shared among developers, managers, and shareholders.

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

After all, we believe true collaboration means that projects are no longer siloed on an individual basis but rather function as a collective effort, allowing everyone to quickly come up with creative solutions that benefit from a diversity of ideas and thought processes. A good dynamic between partners allows developers of various contexts to join forces and reach new heights in software innovation, and having both entities coming together in agreement is key. Otherwise, the failure to establish this kind of relationship almost guarantees the worst outcome conceivable, so recognizing the similarities and differences between service providers and clients, and building upon areas of agreement, is what makes true innovation flourish. 

However, what is the “magic ingredient” that makes this kind of collaboration work? Is a software project just one party simply providing services for the other, or should it be more than that? To this end, we want to share the story of Ameet Shahani, Director of Technology at CPH & Associates, which is one of Scio’s longest partnerships to date, to understand how building these relationships are more critical than ever to create, how products that innovate are produced, and the importance of a cultural match to reach a positive outcome for everyone involved, from shareholders to management, to developers on both sides.

Dissecting the meaning of collaboration

Effective Collaboration: The Key to a Winning Partnership between Nearshore Companies and their Clients

When both organizations share a business culture affinity, they are better equipped to understand each other’s priorities and expectations. This is clear and almost self-evident, but in settings that involve business expectations, specific requirements, and solving the complex system of interconnected puzzles that is software development, the concepts of transparency, open communication, and building trust to reach mutual understanding have some nuance that need to be carefully navigated.

So, while success ultimately comes down to implementing the solutions designed by the experienced software engineers and developers from both organizations, achieving this level of collaboration calls for a type of “cultural” match that needs to be taken into account. In the specific context of Nearshore partnerships, development teams that work across borders should seek an alignment between values, beliefs, and approaches that allows both sides to learn and support each other during their product development journey. If both groups have a culture match (i.e. if they mirror one another in how they approach software development and hold similar standards) this will prevent a lot of friction or misunderstandings, making for a more balanced relationship that leads to successful outcomes for the software project down the road.

In consequence, establishing a successful software development business relationship requires certain factors to make it thrive, and Nearshore software partnerships can provide the optimal combination of many of these elements necessary for success, namely: Trust, Communication, Industry experience, and Technology expertise. 

  • Trust: Building trust should be the center of any successful business relationship, with both parties gaining a mutual understanding that allows for the creation of quality software without putting too much pressure on resources or scope. If partners don’t trust each other, the frustration and bad communication that follows will ultimately result in delays and mistakes during the project timeline. Achieving a successful software development partnership requires that everyone involved has a good faith approach and the necessary confidence in one another throughout the entire process.
  • Communication: Good communication ensures everyone is up-to-date on decisions, making sure there is no wasted effort with conflicting ideas. In addition, discussing potential solutions to problems that arise helps keep the project moving forward while ensuring design decisions match the vision of both partners in the software development partnership. Therefore, it’s clear that effective communication is key for any successful project.
  • Industry experience: It helps providers craft better solutions to address a client’s needs, as well as establish smoother workflows that result in remarkable deliverables. Through experience, a provider can evaluate what will benefit their client the most, allowing an organization to suggest innovative approaches and technological advancements that expand the capabilities of existing applications or systems, which increases productivity and efficiency as well as reducing operational costs on the client’s side. Simply put, customers can be sure they are getting the highest quality services when they pick an experienced software provider.
  • Technology expertise: No matter the size of the company, its success relies heavily upon its team’s ability to use technology efficiently and innovatively. By guiding those who may have less experience with technology, teams can leverage their strengths to create better outcomes than any individual would be able to accomplish alone. This makes having strong technical proficiency mandatory for any successful software development collaboration.

In short, the correct combination of these elements is what enables a partnership to work productively, guaranteeing successful outcomes at the end of any development cycle. However, after all this theoretical understanding of how these relationships work, how does it look in practice? To illustrate with an example, let’s check out one of Scio’s very own study cases when it comes to collaboration and partnership in Nearshore development projects.

A first approach

Effective Collaboration: The Key to a Winning Partnership between Nearshore Companies and their Clients

In 2014, Scio took on a new challenge. CPH & Associates, an insurance company based in Chicago, was looking to streamline its operations by deploying a digital platform where a customer could connect with their insurance providers in a single place. On paper, that sounds like a straightforward idea that theoretically would just need a list of requirements and adequate talent to pull off. And this talent was to be found outside the immediate location of Chicago; the management at CPH decided that it would be best to work with a Nearshore development company in Mexico.

As one might expect, getting these projects off the ground is different from just assembling the necessary pieces of a puzzle: the process to get there has to make sense. And paying attention to the corporate culture fit between a software development company and their client is the first step: clients want to be reassured that any software developers they choose understand their core values and aren’t just focusing on the task at hand, but building towards a long-term goal. As a result, making sure that both parties share similar philosophies and outlooks can have an exponential effect on the success of any project. 

In this retrospective talk with Ameet, we discussed how refining the collaboration between both companies took some time, but the decision came about when Scio started proposing the kind of solutions that CPH wanted and saw opportunities that others didn’t, instead of just talking numbers. In his words, their first approach to working together had “the most substance”, so we took a chance and got to work. However, establishing a productive collaboration dynamic took careful calibration, even if both parties had the best disposition and the necessary expertise to make it work. The first team from Scio that joined this project was pretty good, in Ameet’s own words, but the specific requirements needed for a company that delves into insurance, as well as developing a product unprecedented for CPH, made it necessary to invest some time to iron out the kinks of the collaboration to a state of equilibrium where both parties were comfortable. Almost a decade later, this partnership thrives thanks to this effort, and the learning experience for Scio and CPH has been invaluable.  

This highlights how establishing a good remote partnership between software development companies and clients is no small feat. It relies on how well both parties communicate and cooperate, and this in turn is largely dictated by the internal culture of each organization, which reflects their core values, approaches, and general viewpoint. In the case of Scio and CPH, this cultural match was apparent from the get-go, which allowed for experimentation before going into full-fledged collaboration in development. Cultural affinity paves the way for a mutually beneficial working environment, not just between the two companies but also with other partners or stakeholders that may be involved, and in this case, it created an environment where growth and learning were a core element of the overall partnership, with interesting implications for both teams in the long turn.

A learning experience

Learning through collaboration between software development companies is a powerful idea, meaning more than sharing knowledge or brainstorming innovative solutions; it is a growth process that could be mutually beneficial for both organizations if they approach this concept the correct way. Collaboration helps teams become confident, capable, and successful, yes, but the opportunities to learn on the field, so to speak, can be few and far between when most projects have goals that need to be reached as soon as possible. That is usually not an environment conducive to learning, but it also sets apart the kind of collaborative spirit built between Scio and CPH over the course of their partnership.

After all, through 9 years of working together, it’s natural that plenty of Scio’s developers have had the chance to participate in this project. On one hand, this gives them the unique chance of trying their hand at a project with a very well-established workflow, plenty of documentation, and steady progress. On the other hand, this opportunity wouldn’t exist without a trust built upon years of collaboration, where Scio is sending the kind of talent that can shine if given the chance to learn and grow in their skills. 

Ameet would be the first to admit that the project at CPH isn’t the sexiest out there (at least not compared with recent technology developments like AI, the metaverse, or blockchains), but it requires attention, experience, and high-level skills that could lead to burnout if a developer stays for too long on the project. And this is a situation that neither CPH nor Scio wants to encourage, which is an important cultural match between both companies. As we mentioned earlier, far from creating additional challenges thanks to a steady rotation of talent, trust, and technological expertise ensure this dynamic works; on one hand, CPH trusts Scio to always bring their best talent forward, experienced or not, to contribute to the project in a meaningful way, and Scio leverages their industry know-how to create a highly efficient product that stands out against competitors in the market. By working together and sharing information, both companies can hone their craft, develop new ideas, and ultimately deliver better products to their clients. 

Final words

“You teach and learn at the same time”: The value of an internal project for a Nearshore company like Scio

Ultimately, learning through collaboration is just one of many ways these kinds of Nearshore partnerships provide an efficient way for businesses to build upon the expertise of the entire industry—all while ensuring that everyone involved benefits from shared experiences. An experienced Nearshore software company will have the resources and expertise to ensure everyone involved forms a cohesive team, acting as mediators for any communication breakdowns. However, an effective relationship requires more than technology: it also needs an equal acknowledgment of all sides, and the capability to learn quickly. Software development is a complex process that requires various skills and coordination, so by joining forces and pooling their knowledge, the strengths of each company can be combined to create innovative solutions at any time. This sort of synergy is essential for software development teams to have to stay ahead of the competition, develop stronger products, and ultimately, change things for the better.

Nearshoring, in other words, allows companies to create a cultural match with their clients, resulting in better products that lead to more positive outcomes because it enables firms to leverage the skills and qualifications of local professionals abroad while fostering improved collaboration due to a common language and cultural backgrounds. Working Nearshore also facilitates better communication since it reduces geographical barriers and helps ensure that software developers around the world have access to advanced technology without disruption. However, beyond these numerous benefits, it’s about creating an environment where both companies can comfortably understand each other, allowing them both to work together optimally. Upon making this connection, the result will be more successful outcomes of high-quality products that deliver exactly what everyone wants.

The Key Takeaways

  • The meaning of collaboration between client and Nearshore development company is more nuanced and complex than it might look at first glance.
  • Building a partnership and collaboration dynamic that benefits both parties requires a cultural match that ensures a smooth integration that leads to innovation and positive outcomes.
  • In the case of Scio and CPH, one of our longest partnerships, this cultural match has given both companies the opportunity to grow and learn thanks to their collaboration dynamic.
  • Ultimately, the idea of “culture” in a corporate context is more than a buzzword; it’s a way to ensure a positive outcome by examining affinities between companies, so they can develop great products.

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

The advancements in technology over the past decade have made it so that every business now is part of a modern digital world. From hotels to restaurants, to financial groups to big-box retailers, organizations of all kinds have a critical system running on applications and digital systems to reach its full potential. Businesses can now reach out to customers on social media platforms with ease, for example, or increase their efficiency and productivity by incorporating platforms and tools that make workflows and processes a lot smoother. But as a consequence, modern companies pretty much need to take advantage of technology to remain competitive in an increasingly technological market.

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

However, businesses that have traditionally operated outside of the tech world are often intimidated by the prospect of software development and think it’s best to just shy away from it entirely. We agree that it can be daunting to change how a company works, particularly if they’ve been operating in a certain way for years, as introducing a new system can cause disruption, that affects efficiency. Understandably, this can make business owners hesitant to invest in software solutions due to the cost implications and lack of viable return on investments; the thought of diving into unknown waters is why many organizations choose to stay within their comfort zone rather than embrace an innovative transformation that can make a difference in the long run. All these factors make change hard to accept, but finding the right solution can be a game changer for any company, no matter how entrenched they may be in their older practices.

So, for a small IT department, convincing the management of one such business to embrace digital and technological changes might be challenging, but it is essential — especially with the increase in online activity since the arrival of the pandemic. By transitioning to more efficient technology, these organizations can reduce costs, increase production output, target new markets, and further automate mundane tasks. Examples of this include automating customer service processes, utilizing cloud computing technology to save on storage space, or introducing integrated software solutions to manage sales and inventory more quickly. Taking steps toward updating infrastructure may seem intimidating at first, but it is worth reconsidering as it could drastically improve how the company functions now and in the long run. With the right mix of research and data-driven insights, it’s easy to show management how this shift creates valuable improvements within your workflow.

The importance of a good partnership

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

One of the main challenges to overcome is explaining how the investment in these kinds of technologies will benefit the company within a reasonable time frame — this is key when getting management on board. Digital transformation is no longer just an option to stay competitive in today’s market, but without the necessary support and expertise to make the leap, these efforts run the risk of amounting to nothing.

That’s why partnering with a leading software development team can be a huge benefit for these traditional companies. Not only does having a software development partner provide access to modern approaches and data insights, but a partnership also brings fresh ideas and perspectives to your business. Plus, outsourcing these tasks to professionals drastically reduces the burden on your internal staff who may be unfamiliar with the tech needed. This partnership also cuts costs that would otherwise be associated with software development such as talent, infrastructure, and training expenses. It allows you to leverage the expertise of a software partner, letting you benefit from their experience and resources so you can focus on core business activities without getting bogged down in technical minutiae. All in all, whether you want to build new custom applications to update existing systems, partnering with an experienced software developer is an incredibly smart move for any company looking to keep up with today’s ever-changing technology landscape.

However, when looking for the perfect development partner, it can be hard to know where to start. The key is to find a team that meshes well with your existing business structure. It’s not always easy to implement a custom solution, so you want to look for a development partner that’s as passionate about your project as you are. Ask for referrals, read reviews, check portfolio items, and reach out via email or an event if possible, to get a feel for the culture of potential partners. Additionally, ask questions about communication preferences and decision-making processes; both parties need to be in sync throughout the process. Choosing a reputable software development partner can help ensure the success of your business, so take the time to do your research and find someone who seeks to understand in order to create exactly what you need.

After all, you are trusting them to bring technological tools and automation into the mix for you to gain access to more efficient workflows, better communication with customers and partners, more up-to-date analytics, and improved oversight over all areas of your organization. With access to such sophisticated options as web-based customer portals or private mobile applications that employ cutting-edge technologies like augmented reality or voice recognition, companies can unlock untapped potential and find innovative solutions for scaling their efforts. Engaging the perfect software development partner, then, means having an experienced professional handle all of the coding so businesses can focus on leveraging this power in expanding their business for maximum efficiency and profitability. 

This makes Nearshore development partners an ideal option — not only does it allow businesses to take advantage of having top-quality talent without incurring the full cost associated with hiring in-house, but it also offers proximity which has its advantages in terms of communication and convenience. With Nearshoring, businesses can have access to a pool of experienced experts from countries that align with their language and cultural needs, making the transition easier and more efficient. Whatever type of tech project you need help on, a nearshore partner will provide dynamic solutions at reasonable prices while being sensitive to deadlines. In short, they’re your perfect technology partners!

Moreover, partnering with someone who specializes in software development allows a company to reap the benefits of their established best practices, eliminating common hurdles during the software launch. In short, having a software development partner is one of the greatest avenues toward success for traditional businesses looking to break into the digital age.

Last words

Benefits of having a software partner and making the leap to a more tech-focused productivity

The digital world is quickly becoming the norm and this means that businesses need to consider how they can add a tech twist to stay ahead of the game. Combining traditional businesses with technology is a great way to gain an advantage over competitors and make sure your business stays relevant. Not only will it give your company an edge, but also help it improve efficiency, streamline processes and ultimately increase rewards. By capitalizing on technological advances, businesses have access to an ever-increasing range of features such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, and more, and taking the time to consider how best to integrate these into traditional models can pay off in both tangible and intangible ways. With the right strategy in place and the best software developers in Mexico at Scio, combining technology with age-old practices might just be the clue to modern business success.

Of course, we know that the combination of tech and business can be tricky, especially if the business in question doesn’t usually dabble in tech development. But with the right partner, it’s possible to work together to create the perfect software solution for your needs. Having a reliable collaborator specializing in software development can help to ensure that all bases are covered — a partner brings the technical know-how while you bring your expertise to the company’s business needs. This way, you’ll end up with dedicated software tailored specifically towards reaching the goals of your business, with great results.

The Key Takeaways

  • In today’s world, incorporating technological and software solutions is a must of businesses of all kinds.
  • However, for more traditional companies that don’t have a dedicated software department, this proposition can be somewhat tricky.
  • That’s why getting together with a software development partner can be such a godsend for these organizations, allowing them to leverage skill and expertise in order to update and revolutionize the workflow of a business.
  • Nearshore offers the best proposition for this: expertise in the field, more likely to find close business culture ties, and the flexibility to embark on a development project of any kind.

“Pay attention to the strengths of people”: Talking career growth in software development with Juan Miguel Alcalá

“Pay attention to the strengths of people”: Talking career growth in software development with Juan Miguel Alcalá

Curated by: Sergio A. Martínez

What does it mean for a developer to build a career? Requiring dedication and hard work, a career as a software developer is an incredibly rewarding path, and for those who are up for the challenge, can lead to both professional and personal growth, applying valuable skills like problem-solving, coding proficiency, and thought leadership into products that everyone can enjoy. But to build a successful career as a developer means not only gaining technical know-how but finding solutions to real-world problems through technology, innovation, and collaboration, experiencing the gratification of creating something with impact and value in the process.

“Pay attention to the strengths of people”: Talking career growth in software development with Juan Miguel Alcalá

In consequence, for a software developer, the importance of career growth should not be underestimated. Throughout your career, it’s essential to keep challenging yourself to stay on top of the ever-evolving tech industry, applying your knowledge and interpersonal skills to create something special, supporting (and being supported by) a community of like-minded people who understand the value and potential of software in all facets of our lives. 

For these reasons, working your way up in a company can be a thrilling ride for a developer—You start by learning about the tech and code base, then finding ways to improve it, and eventually contributing to more strategic decisions. You get to know the team and the culture, which means your work has more purpose than external projects alone, offering an extended sense of belonging and the feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself. And all these without mentioning the many opportunities you have to learn from experienced colleagues and sharpen old skills as well as acquire new ones. Plus, there’s the challenge of staying ahead of rapidly changing tech, and at the end of it all, you get to know that you helped build something truly significant. It’s both exciting and rewarding! All in all, it can be an incredibly fulfilling experience for a developer to build their career with a single organization.

However, not many developers out there have the opportunity to witness first-hand the impact of their work, or build relationships with colleagues and really get to know a business culture. A dedicated developer who stays with the same organization can easily become an expert in the industry and can leverage their established expertise to push projects forward and create even more meaningful changes. Leaving more time to focuse on honing their craft and eventually leading the charge on initiatives that matter most.

Getting in touch with Scio

“Pay attention to the strengths of people”: Talking career growth in software development with Juan Miguel Alcalá

To better understand this, we talked with Juan Miguel Alcalá, a Lead Developer that has been part of Scio for the last 12 years, about his journey in the software industry, and how a developer like him builds a career and grows his skills in such a constantly challenging industry like software development. “Scio was my first job at a company purely dedicated to software”, he remembers. “Before that, I was part of a small IT department, where I was practically alone, so I didn’t have the chance of practicing new skills. I had to do a lot of self-learning back then, joining developers’ communities and forums to see what they talked about, which helped me decide what to focus on. That’s how I built my skill set before my first interview at Scio.” 

Software development is an ever-evolving field of work that requires a developer to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and one of the best ways to go about this is by self-learning. This process allows developers to set their own pace, as well as explore topics they are interested in while building upon basic skills, just like Juan did. Additionally, it can encourage developers to practice what they learn and troubleshoot issues on their own – skills that become invaluable on the job. Self-learning also provides flexibility to participants, allowing them to fit in coursework or investigate new tech around their schedule. All these factors make self-learning a popular approach for software developers invested in their own personal growth.

It was thanks to these communities that I got in touch with Luis Aburto [CEO of Scio]. It was specifically a .NET community we started here in Morelia, and Luis asked about the technologies we were interested in, how we practiced, and eventually if we would like to be part of Scio. I was already thinking of trying something different, so I went for it. I was interviewed by one of the Lead Architects they had back then, and more than technical tests, he was interested in understanding how I learned and practiced new skills, how I choose, and how I kept myself up-to-date. As you can see, twelve years later, I’m still here.” 

This ties into how Scio values a cultural match between developers to ensure that collaboration and communication are always top-notch and provides chances to learn plenty of hard and soft skills on-site. After all, investing in the career growth of a developer is a must for any company that wants to move forward; it not only helps your developers update their skills but also encourages them to make valuable contributions that drive innovation. Moreover, training and providing opportunities for developers will show how your software development teams are reliable, trustworthy, and adhere to industry standards. Software development is an integral part of every organization today; so it’s essential that companies invest in their developers’ career growth for long-term success.

Growth together

“Pay attention to the strengths of people”: Talking career growth in software development with Juan Miguel Alcalá

Of course, back in 2009, things were very different in the software industry, and Juan Miguel has witnessed over the course of more than one decade how the approach and general philosophy of development have changed. “Back then, when I first started at Scio, the Agile methodologies and SCRUM were still pretty new. In fact, Scio was one of the first software development companies in Mexico to adopt this development framework, and it was interesting to learn and apply it when I was starting as a junior. I was a self-taught person at this point, so the advantage I would have over my friends was pretty attractive.

On that note, it’s no surprise that the Agile methodology is responsible for revolutionizing the way software development is approached today. Its flexibility and streamlined processes were game-changing when it was first introduced and still benefit teams of all sizes even more than a decade later. Emphasizing collaboration between departments, frequent feedback from clients, and the ability to adapt quickly to changes throughout the process. This allows every team to produce higher quality products much faster than previously possible, with less risk and wasted effort. With Scio’s developers no longer caught up in tedious processes (easily dividing tasks into streamlined short sprints instead), taking an iterative approach allowed them to quickly make necessary adjustments and move forward with a greater chance to learn from their peers and grow in the process. At Scio, where the best software developers in Mexico and Latin America collaborate and learn together, this approach is key. It leads to a career like no other.

I used to have another approach to development back then, but with more people in the team, I had to learn to think about others, give feedback, and follow some well-established standards to ensure that everyone who interacted with the system I made could do it well. That, alongside being able to interact with the clients directly, and participate in the deployments, enriched what I did and how I communicated.” 

At Scio, these efforts are at the core of taking the leap from Junior to Senior developer, which can seem like a daunting experience, but it’s incredibly rewarding and empowering. It requires both an investment in yourself and in your skillset to make the transition successful. Taking initiative, problem-solving, communication skills, and building strong relationships with teammates are all important components to thriving as a senior developer. And although there may be more responsibility on your plate, this is also an opportunity for greater job satisfaction and more chances to stretch yourself professionally. With these steps taken, everyone has the potential to make an impactful change.

Eventually, it was my turn to become a Lead. I remember that it was a project for a tennis league, and I had to choose people for the team that was going to focus on that. And what you learn from this process is to pay attention to the strengths of people, which role suits them better, and how to configure the team so everyone can cover for each other during development, having the necessary expertise on every part of the project to make it successful. I think that skill is my strong suit, bringing a diverse perspective to a development process where new ideas and solutions can come constantly and from everyone.

Final words

As you can see, working at the right company can provide an amazing journey for those who are seeking to further their careers in the software industry. A developer can experience career growth by taking on increasing responsibilities, building relationships with colleagues, and mastering skills that allow them to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of their work. It’s an exciting prospect when a person feels capable of taking on more complex problems and succeeding and it’s incredible to get to be in charge of their own projects. After all, with the right team, you can count on decent support, plentiful resources, and clear guidance that helps you acquire the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to transition into a higher-level role. On top of it all, you also get a sense of accomplishment and pride that is hard to beat. If you manage to reach this level in your job, be sure to show appreciation for the team that made it possible—it’s a journey worth celebrating!

The Key Takeaways

  • One of the best things about the software development experience is to grow skills and learn new approaches every day to create better products.
  • The journey from Junior dev to Project Lead is one of growth, challenges, and focus on your strengths, as well as how you relate with others.
  • At Scio, this journey consists of sharing knowledge and letting people choose their path to become well-rounded teammates you can count on.
  • Being part of an organization that invests in your growth as a developer is the best decision to conquer new skills and build an amazing career creating solutions and innovations in software.